Type alias CreateProps<TValues, TSubmitResponse>

CreateProps<TValues, TSubmitResponse>: Omit<FormStationProps<TValues, TSubmitResponse>, "actions" | "onActionSelected" | "alwaysShowActionsPanel" | "defaultTitle" | "titleProperty" | "alwaysSubmitBeforeAction"> & {
    denyProceeding?: boolean;
    onProceed: ActionHandler<TValues, TSubmitResponse>;
    proceedLabel?: string;
    title: string;

Type Parameters

  • TValues extends Data

  • TSubmitResponse = unknown

Type declaration

  • Optional denyProceeding?: boolean

    Disables the 'Proceed' button and prevents saveData from being called. It is advised to define station message in case this is true.

  • onProceed: ActionHandler<TValues, TSubmitResponse>

    Called after the entity was saved. The expected behavior is, to navigate the user to the details page of the created entity. The function will receive the form data as well as the values returned by the saveData function.

  • Optional proceedLabel?: string

    This prop allows defining a custom label for the proceed action. If it's not provided, the station will use the label 'Proceed'.

  • title: string

    The title of the station

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