Interface FormStationProps<TValues, TSubmitResponse>

Type Parameters

  • TValues extends Data = FormikValues

  • TSubmitResponse = unknown


  • FormStationProps


actions?: FormActionData<TValues, TSubmitResponse>[]
actionsWidth?: string

The width of the Actions container (as CSS width)

alwaysShowActionsPanel?: boolean

If set to true, the actions panel is shown, even if no actions are defined.

alwaysSubmitBeforeAction?: boolean

This will make sure that the submission is attempted even if the form is not dirty. This is mainly useful for Create stations.

cancelNavigationUrl?: string

URL to navigate to when the form is reset (usually on a create station)

className?: string

CSS Class name for additional styles

defaultTitle?: string

fallback title if no value can be determined

edgeToEdgeContent?: boolean

Optional flag for removing the padding around child components.

infoPanel?: Element

Component which contains additional information

initialData: InitialFormData<TValues>

An object containing the initial data of the form.

saveData: SaveDataFunction<TValues, TSubmitResponse>

Called whenever the form needs to be saved. This method needs to throw an exception in case the saving did not succeed.

setTabTitle?: boolean

Update the tab title using the 'titleProperty' or 'defaultTitle' field. (default: true)

stationMessage?: StationMessage

If set, will display a message bar on the form station


stationMessage={{type: 'info', message: 'Informative message.'}}
subtitle?: string

Subtitle shown in page header

titleProperty?: keyof TValues

name of the property on the form that holds the title

validationSchema?: OptionalObjectSchema<ObjectSchemaDefinition<TValues>, AnyObject, TypeOfShape<ObjectSchemaDefinition<TValues>>>

The Yup validation object (or any other Formik compatible validation schema)

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