Type Parameters


  • DynamicListDataEntryProps


actionButtonContext?: ButtonContext

Overrides the default action button context behavior

actionSize?: string

Size of action button and checkbox

allowDragging?: boolean

If set to true, this component can be dragged (default: undefined)

allowReordering?: boolean

If set to true, rows can be be repositioned using the input field (default: undefined)

className?: string

CSS Class name for additional styles

columnGap?: string

Header row height

columnSizes: string

Spacing between columns

columns: DynamicListColumn<T>[]

The column definition

customAddButton?: ((onAddItem) => ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>)

Type declaration

    • (onAddItem): ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>
    • override default add button (+)


      • onAddItem: (() => Promise<void>)
          • (): Promise<void>
          • Returns Promise<void>

      Returns ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>

defaultValuesForNewData?: Partial<T>

Sets default values to be populated in the new row when new data is allowed.

disabled?: boolean

Whether add new item button should be disabled

horizontalTextAlign?: "right" | "left" | "center"

Horizontal alignment of text

Determines if the component is in Add or Edit mode (default: Add)

newDataPosition?: number

Position the new data will receive

onActionClicked?: ((data) => void)

Type declaration

    • (data): void
    • Emits when the action button is clicked. Data is supplied as a parameter


      • data: T

      Returns void

positionKey?: keyof T

Property name that is used to determine data position (default: undefined)

rowHeight?: string

List row height

rowValidationSchema?: OptionalObjectSchema<ObjectSchemaDefinition<T>, AnyObject, TypeOfShape<ObjectSchemaDefinition<T>>>

Optional Yup validation object for validating new data

showHeader?: boolean

If header is shown

showPositionColumn?: boolean

If set to true, the position column will be shown (default: false)

sticky?: boolean

Whether Data Entry row should stick to the top below Header (default: true)

verticalTextAlign?: "center" | "start" | "end"

Vertical alignment of text

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