Type Parameters


  • Omit<ExplorerProps<T>, "selectionMode" | "onItemClicked" | "onBulkActionsToggled" | "bulkActions" | "setTabTitle">
    • SelectionExplorerProps


Array of actions to be rendered.

allowBulkSelect?: boolean

Whether or not the selection of multiple items is allowed (default: false)

className?: string

CSS Class name for additional styles

columnGap?: string

Spacing between columns

columns: Column<T>[]

Column definitions The order of this array determines the order of columns

dataProvider: ExplorerDataProvider<T>

Callback used to request new or additional data

defaultFilterValues?: FilterValues<T>

Default values for filters

defaultSortOrder?: SortData<T>

Sets the default sort order for the Explorer. (default: undefined)

enableSelectAll?: boolean

In multiselect mode, whether the Select All button will be displayed. When Select All button is clicked the onItemClicked button will return a filter query instead of an array of items. (default: true)

filterOptions?: FilterType<T>[]

The filters that should be available on the Explorer

generateItemLink?: ((data) => LocationDescriptor<unknown>)

Type declaration

    • (data): LocationDescriptor<unknown>
    • When set, this function is used to generate inline menu link that navigates user to details page for each item.


      • data: T

      Returns LocationDescriptor<unknown>

headerRowActionSize?: string

Header checkbox size

headerRowHeight?: string

Header row height

horizontalTextAlign?: "right" | "left" | "center"

Horizontal alignment of text

inlineMenuActions?: ((data) => ActionData[])

Type declaration

    • (data): ActionData[]
    • Provide inline actions which are available through '...' context menu


      • data: T

      Returns ActionData[]

keyProperty?: keyof T

The name of the property on the data object that should be used to identify objects (default: 'id')

listRowActionSize?: string

List row action button and checkbox size

listRowHeight?: string

List row height

loadingTriggerOffset?: number

Defines when the loading of the next page is triggered. The number represents the number of row left, before a load is triggered. (default: 10)

minimumWidth?: string

Minimum width of this component

modalMode?: boolean

If true, the explorer will leave some margin for the modal backdrop.

onSelection?: ((selection) => void)

Type declaration

    • (selection): void
    • Callback called when the user finished the selection. The selected item (or items) will be passed as argument to the callback.


      Returns void

openBulkActionsOnStart?: boolean

Whether or not bulk actions are shown by default. (default: false)

persistExplorerStates?: ExplorerStateOptions

Options for disabling states that persist such as filters and sorting. All states persist by default

quickEditRegistrations?: QuickEditRegistration<T>[]

Quick Edit Registrations

rowGap?: string

Spacing between rows

stationKey: string

Unique identifier used to store states related to explorer

textWrap?: boolean

If set to true, column text overflow will be wrapped to a new line. Otherwise, it will be truncated with an ellipsis (default: true)

title?: string

Title shown in page header

verticalTextAlign?: "center" | "start" | "end"

Vertical alignment of text

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