Interface ContextActionData<THandler>

Properties necessary for context type action to render an element with JS handler and specified confirmation mode for click event

Type Parameters



confirmationConfig?: ConfirmationConfig

Optional text overrides for the confirmation pop up.

confirmationMode?: ConfirmationMode

If set to 'Simple', the action will require confirmation. If set to 'Advanced', action will require confirmation via a confirmation pop up. (default: 'None')

icon?: IconName

Optional icon (default: 'IconName.ChevronRight')

isDisabled?: boolean

Renders an un-clickable button if true.

label: string

The label of the action.

onActionSelected: THandler

Callback emitted when a user clicks on the Action.

openInNewTab?: undefined

If set to true, the link will open in a new tab.

path?: undefined

Where to navigate to when the action is clicked.

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