• This component is the basic building block for 'details' stations in the CMS.

    You can specify the form you want to show in the children prop. The form will run inside a Formik context.

    To create the form, it's usually the easiest to use Formik's <Field/> component and using one of the *Field components coming from this library in the as prop like this:

    <Field name="title" label="Title" as={TextField} />

    In addition, it allows the definition of actions, which will be presented to the user in the appropriate panel. The component uses the onActionSelected callback to notify the application when an action needs to be executed by the application.

    Type Parameters

    • TValues extends Data

    • TSubmitResponse = unknown


    • props: PropsWithChildren<DetailsProps<TValues, TSubmitResponse>>

    Returns Element

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