Type Parameters


  • DynamicDataListProps


allowAddAndRemove?: boolean


Determines if the Add and Delete action buttons are rendered (default: true)

allowEditing?: boolean

Whether or not existing data can be edited (default: false)

allowNewData?: boolean

Whether or not new data can be added (default: false)

allowReordering?: boolean

Whether or not rows can be repositioned (default: true)

allowRowDragging?: boolean

Determines if data rows can be dragged for repositioning (default: true)

className?: string

CSS Class name for additional styles

columnGap?: string

Spacing between columns

columns: DynamicListColumn<T>[]

Column definitions The order of this array determines the order of columns

customDataEntry?: FC<DynamicListDataEntryProps<T>>

Custom DynamicListDataEntry component which will be rendered instead of the default component

defaultValuesForNewData?: Partial<T>

Sets default values to be populated in the new row when new data is allowed.

disabled?: boolean

Whether add new item button should be disabled (default: false)

headerRowHeight?: string

Header row height

horizontalTextAlign?: "right" | "left" | "center"

Horizontal alignment of text

inlineMenuActions?: ((data) => ActionData[])

Type declaration

    • (data): ActionData[]
    • Provide inline actions which are available through '...' context menu


      • data: T

      Returns ActionData[]

listRowActionSize?: string

List row action button and checkbox size (default: '50px')

listRowHeight?: string

List row height (minimum height is 50px)

maxItemLimit?: number

The maximum amount of items that can be added to the list. If this prop is set and the amount is reached, data entry will be removed (default: undefined)

minimumWidth?: string

Minimum width of this component

onAddTransformData?: ((data) => T)

Type declaration

    • (data): T
    • Performs transformations to the new data object being added


      • data: Partial<T>

      Returns T

onChange?: ((list) => void)

Type declaration

    • (list): void
    • Raised when the list has changed


      • list: T[]

      Returns void

positionLabel?: string

If sets, sets the label for the position column (default: 'Position')

positionPropertyName?: keyof T

Property that contains the value used in reordering the list (default: undefined)

rowClassNameProvider?: ((data) => string)

Type declaration

    • (data): string
    • CSS Class name provider for each row. Allows row style to be determined by data


      • data: T

      Returns string

rowGap?: string

Spacing between rows

rowValidationSchema?: OptionalObjectSchema<ObjectSchemaDefinition<T>, AnyObject, TypeOfShape<ObjectSchemaDefinition<T>>>

Optional Yup validation object for validating new data

showHeader?: boolean

Whether or not the header row is shown (default: true)

stickyHeader?: boolean

Whether the header and input field should stick to the top (default: false)

textWrap?: boolean

If set to true, column text overflow will be wrapped to a new line. Otherwise, it will be truncated with an ellipsis (default: false)

value: T[]

List data

verticalTextAlign?: "center" | "start" | "end"

Vertical alignment of text

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