Type Parameters


  • Omit<ExplorerProps<T>, "selectionMode" | "onBulkActionsToggled" | "onItemClicked" | "setTabTitle">
    • NavigationExplorerProps


Array of actions to be rendered.

bulkActions?: ExplorerBulkAction<T>[]

Array of Bulk Actions to be rendered. If populated, Bulk Actions will become available.

calculateNavigateUrl?: ((item) => string)

Type declaration

    • (item): string
    • Function that calculates the URL to navigate to when a row of data is clicked.

      • The function should take the item data as input and return the URL string.
      • Navigation will not occur if bulk actions are open.


      • item: T

      Returns string

className?: string

CSS Class name for additional styles

columnGap?: string

Spacing between columns

columns: Column<T>[]

Column definitions The order of this array determines the order of columns

dataProvider: ExplorerDataProvider<T>

Callback used to request new or additional data

defaultFilterValues?: FilterValues<T>

Default values for filters

defaultSortOrder?: SortData<T>

Sets the default sort order for the Explorer. (default: undefined)

enableSelectAll?: boolean

In multiselect mode, whether the Select All button will be displayed. When Select All button is clicked the onItemClicked button will return a filter query instead of an array of items. (default: true)

filterOptions?: FilterType<T>[]

The filters that should be available on the Explorer

generateItemLink?: ((data) => LocationDescriptor<unknown>)

Type declaration

    • (data): LocationDescriptor<unknown>
    • When set, this function is used to generate the link that the user should be navigated to for each item.

      This property takes precedence over onItemClicked, which will not be executed in case generateItemLink is set!


      • data: T

      Returns LocationDescriptor<unknown>

headerRowActionSize?: string

Header checkbox size

headerRowHeight?: string

Header row height

horizontalTextAlign?: "right" | "left" | "center"

Horizontal alignment of text

inlineMenuActions?: ((data) => ActionData[])

Type declaration

    • (data): ActionData[]
    • Provide inline actions which are available through '...' context menu


      • data: T

      Returns ActionData[]

keyProperty?: keyof T

The name of the property on the data object that should be used to identify objects (default: 'id')

listRowActionSize?: string

List row action button and checkbox size

listRowHeight?: string

List row height

loadingTriggerOffset?: number

Defines when the loading of the next page is triggered. The number represents the number of row left, before a load is triggered. (default: 10)

minimumWidth?: string

Minimum width of this component

modalMode?: boolean

If true, the explorer will leave some margin for the modal backdrop.

onCreateAction?: LocationDescriptor | (() => void)
  • If a LocationDescriptor is provided, it will be treated as a path to the station to navigate to, and a link will be generated.
  • If a function is provided, it will be called when the create action is clicked, and a button will be generated.

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

openBulkActionsOnStart?: boolean

Whether or not bulk actions are shown by default. (default: false)

persistExplorerStates?: ExplorerStateOptions

Options for disabling states that persist such as filters and sorting. All states persist by default

quickEditRegistrations?: QuickEditRegistration<T>[]

Quick Edit Registrations

rowGap?: string

Spacing between rows

stationKey: string

Unique identifier used to store states related to explorer

textWrap?: boolean

If set to true, column text overflow will be wrapped to a new line. Otherwise, it will be truncated with an ellipsis (default: true)

title?: string

Title shown in page header

verticalTextAlign?: "center" | "start" | "end"

Vertical alignment of text

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