exportedForTestingExtendedLogging: {
    hookIntoResponseBodyGeneration: ((res, callback) => void);
    neutralizeJWT: ((jwt) => undefined | string);
    neutralizeRequestBody: ((body) => unknown);
} = ...

These functions are exported only for testing purposes.

Type declaration

  • hookIntoResponseBodyGeneration: ((res, callback) => void)
      • (res, callback): void
      • Hook into the res.write & res.end methods to read the response body. Once the response body is captured, the provided callback will be called


        • res: Response<any, Record<string, any>>
        • callback: ((responseBody) => void)
            • (responseBody): void
            • Parameters

              • responseBody: string

              Returns void

        Returns void

  • neutralizeJWT: ((jwt) => undefined | string)
      • (jwt): undefined | string
      • Attempt to neutralize a potentially active JWT by removing the signature from it and returning the remaining content (i.e. header.payload)


        • jwt: undefined | string

        Returns undefined | string

  • neutralizeRequestBody: ((body) => unknown)
      • (body): unknown
      • Masks-out any potentially sensitive data that may exist in the variables property when the request body is originating from a GQL Request.


        • body: unknown

        Returns unknown

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