MosaicErrors: {
    AssertionFailed: {
        code: "ASSERTION_FAILED";
        message: "The assertion check for the identifier %s failed.";
    DatabaseLockTimeoutError: {
        details: {
            hint: "It is possible that you executed a GraphQL Mutation with multiple operations. Some operations are designed to only work in isolation. If this was the case - please try to execute the operations separately.";
        message: "A database operation has failed because of a lock timeout.";
    DatabasePermissionsCheckFailed: {
        message: "An authorization database error has occurred. The user might not have enough permissions.";
    DatabaseValidationFailed: {
        message: "An expected and handled database constraint error has occurred. The actual message will have more information.";
    ErrorWrapper: {
        code: "ERROR_WRAPPER";
        message: "This is a wrapper error for the original unhandled error of unsupported type.";
    GraphQLValidationFailed: {
        message: "A GraphQL validation error has occurred. Please make sure that the GraphQL request is made with correct syntax or parameters.";
    InternalServerError: {
        code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR";
        message: "An unhandled and unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the service support.";
    ObjectIsMissingProperties: {
        message: "The %s is missing required properties: %s.";
    StartupError: {
        code: "STARTUP_ERROR";
        message: "An application startup error has occurred. The actual message will have more information.";
    UnexpectedNullUndefined: {
        message: "Unexpected null or undefined value received.";
    UnhandledDatabaseError: {
        message: "An unhandled database-related error has occurred. Please contact the service support.";
    UnhandledError: {
        code: "UNHANDLED_ERROR";
        message: "An unhandled error has occurred. Please contact the service support.";
    UniqueConstraintError: {
        message: "Attempt to create or update an element failed, as it would have resulted in a duplicate element.";
    ValueIsNotObject: {
        code: "VALUE_IS_NOT_OBJECT";
        message: "The %s is not an object.";
} = ...

An enum-like object containing default mosaic error codes and related messages. Messages are mostly informational, and Errors with these codes will have more concrete messages.

Type declaration

  • Readonly AssertionFailed: {
        code: "ASSERTION_FAILED";
        message: "The assertion check for the identifier %s failed.";
    • Readonly code: "ASSERTION_FAILED"
    • Readonly message: "The assertion check for the identifier %s failed."
  • Readonly DatabaseLockTimeoutError: {
        details: {
            hint: "It is possible that you executed a GraphQL Mutation with multiple operations. Some operations are designed to only work in isolation. If this was the case - please try to execute the operations separately.";
        message: "A database operation has failed because of a lock timeout.";
    • Readonly code: "DATABASE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_ERROR"
    • Readonly details: {
          hint: "It is possible that you executed a GraphQL Mutation with multiple operations. Some operations are designed to only work in isolation. If this was the case - please try to execute the operations separately.";
      • Readonly hint: "It is possible that you executed a GraphQL Mutation with multiple operations. Some operations are designed to only work in isolation. If this was the case - please try to execute the operations separately."
    • Readonly message: "A database operation has failed because of a lock timeout."
  • Readonly DatabasePermissionsCheckFailed: {
        message: "An authorization database error has occurred. The user might not have enough permissions.";
    • Readonly message: "An authorization database error has occurred. The user might not have enough permissions."
  • Readonly DatabaseValidationFailed: {
        message: "An expected and handled database constraint error has occurred. The actual message will have more information.";
    • Readonly message: "An expected and handled database constraint error has occurred. The actual message will have more information."
  • Readonly ErrorWrapper: {
        code: "ERROR_WRAPPER";
        message: "This is a wrapper error for the original unhandled error of unsupported type.";
    • Readonly code: "ERROR_WRAPPER"
    • Readonly message: "This is a wrapper error for the original unhandled error of unsupported type."
  • Readonly GraphQLValidationFailed: {
        message: "A GraphQL validation error has occurred. Please make sure that the GraphQL request is made with correct syntax or parameters.";
    • Readonly code: "GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED"
    • Readonly message: "A GraphQL validation error has occurred. Please make sure that the GraphQL request is made with correct syntax or parameters."
  • Readonly InternalServerError: {
        code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR";
        message: "An unhandled and unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the service support.";
    • Readonly code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"
    • Readonly message: "An unhandled and unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the service support."
  • Readonly ObjectIsMissingProperties: {
        message: "The %s is missing required properties: %s.";
    • Readonly message: "The %s is missing required properties: %s."
  • Readonly StartupError: {
        code: "STARTUP_ERROR";
        message: "An application startup error has occurred. The actual message will have more information.";
    • Readonly code: "STARTUP_ERROR"
    • Readonly message: "An application startup error has occurred. The actual message will have more information."
  • Readonly UnexpectedNullUndefined: {
        message: "Unexpected null or undefined value received.";
    • Readonly code: "UNEXPECTED_NULL_UNDEFINED"
    • Readonly message: "Unexpected null or undefined value received."
  • Readonly UnhandledDatabaseError: {
        message: "An unhandled database-related error has occurred. Please contact the service support.";
    • Readonly code: "UNHANDLED_DATABASE_ERROR"
    • Readonly message: "An unhandled database-related error has occurred. Please contact the service support."
  • Readonly UnhandledError: {
        code: "UNHANDLED_ERROR";
        message: "An unhandled error has occurred. Please contact the service support.";
    • Readonly code: "UNHANDLED_ERROR"
    • Readonly message: "An unhandled error has occurred. Please contact the service support."
  • Readonly UniqueConstraintError: {
        message: "Attempt to create or update an element failed, as it would have resulted in a duplicate element.";
    • Readonly code: "UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_ERROR"
    • Readonly message: "Attempt to create or update an element failed, as it would have resulted in a duplicate element."
  • Readonly ValueIsNotObject: {
        code: "VALUE_IS_NOT_OBJECT";
        message: "The %s is not an object.";
    • Readonly code: "VALUE_IS_NOT_OBJECT"
    • Readonly message: "The %s is not an object."

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