An enum containing default and custom PostgreSQL constraint error codes that are currently being handled by default errors handler mapper to produce more user-friendly messages. This resource can be used to check default error codes:

Enumeration Members

ConstraintValidationError: "23514"

Used to recognize an error that has happened for a database constraint that is not explicitly handled.

DatabaseAuthorizationFailed: "PERMI"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of missing permissions.

ExceptionRaisedError: "P0001"

Used to recognize that a PL/pgSQL Error was raised.

ForeignKeyConstraintError: "23503"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a foreign key violation.

HasAllowedValueConstraintError: "ALWDV"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string value is one of the allowed values.

InvalidBase64ValueConstraintError: "BAS64"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string is a valid Base64 encoded value.

InvalidEmptyValueConstraintError: "EMPTY"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string value is null or empty.

InvalidIdentifierKeyValueConstraintError: "IDKEY"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string is a valid Identifier key value (contains only letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes).

InvalidNonTrimmedValueConstraintError: "NTRIM"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string starts or ends with a whitespace character.

InvalidUrlValueConstraintError: "NVURL"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string value is a valid URL.

LockTimeoutError: "55P03"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because a database query tried to access the locked row and failed due to timeout because the lock was not released in time.

MatchesPatternConstraintError: "PATRN"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string matches a regex patten.

MaxConstraintError: "MXVAL"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if number is too big.

MaxLengthConstraintError: "MXLEN"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string is too long.

MinConstraintError: "MNVAL"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if number is too small.

MinLengthConstraintError: "MNLEN"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string is too short.

NotNullConstraintError: "23502"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a not-null constraint violation.

NumericValueOutOfRange: "22003"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a default constraint that checks if numeric value out of range.

StartsWithConstraintError: "STRWT"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a custom constraint that checks if string starts with specific characters.

UniqueConstraintError: "23505"

Used to recognize an error that has happened because of a unique constraint violation.

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