A model for a Filters component with methods to retrieve individual filters. Use this model for the filter bar on explorer stations and explorer modals.



  • A model for a Filters component with methods to retrieve individual filters.


    • parent: Page | FrameLocator | ComponentModel

      The parent playwright page, frame or component model.

    • xpath: string = '//*[@data-test-id="filters"]'

      A relative xpath selector to this element from the parent.

    Returns Filters


root: Page | FrameLocator

The root playwright entity from which to resolve this component model's xpath.

xpath: string

An absolute xpath to the DOM element that this component model represents.


  • This method gets a child component model with a provided type. This is useful for modelling a page where the UI is composed in a custom manner.

    Type Parameters


    • model: ComponentModelType<TModel>

      A ComponentModel type. e.g. ToggleButton / Modal

    • Optional xpath: string

      An optional xpath relative to this component. If not provided, the model's default xpath will be used.

    • Optional nth: number

      Optional position among matches. Position is 1 indexed. Negative numbers count from the end.

    Returns TModel

  • This method gets a filter by position. Position is 1 indexed. Negative numbers count from the end.


    • position: number

      The 1-indexed position among all descendent filters.

    Returns UntypedFilter

    An untyped filter model with methods to apply a model for a specific filter type.

  • This method gets a filter by label. The label text must match exactly.


    • label: string

    Returns UntypedFilter

    An untyped filter model with methods to apply a model for a specific filter type.

  • This method gets a filter by property name. The property name must match exactly. If multiple filters share the same property name, the 'nth' parameter can be used to select which is returned (first by default).


    • propertyName: string
    • nth: number = 1

    Returns UntypedFilter

    An untyped filter model with methods to apply a model for a specific filter type.

  • A helper method to create global locators - This helps with locating globally across the entire DOM, rather than being scoped to the form


    • selector: string

    Returns Locator

  • This method gets a locator to the DOM element represented by this component model.

    Returns Locator

  • This method gets a locator to a DOM element relative to the element represented by this component model.


    • xpath: string

      An xpath relative to this component.

    • Optional nth: number

      Optional position among matches. Position is 1 indexed. Negative numbers count from the end.

    Returns Locator

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