
  • Video


audioLanguages: Maybe<string>[]

The audio languages of the video.

captionLanguages: Maybe<string>[]

The caption languages of the video.

createdDate: any

The created date of the video.

encodingState: EncodingState

The encoding state of the video.

id: any

The ID of the video.

isArchived: boolean

Indicates whether the video is archived.

isProtected: boolean

Indicates whether the video is protected.

lengthInSeconds?: Maybe<number>

The length of the video in seconds.

outputFormat: OutputFormat

The output format of the video.

previewStatus: PreviewStatus

The preview status of the video.

sourceFullFileName?: Maybe<string>

The full file name of the video source.

subtitleLanguages: Maybe<string>[]

The subtitle languages of the video.

title: string

The title of the video.

updatedDate: any

The updated date of the video.

videosTags: {
    nodes: VideosTag[];

The tags associated with the video.

Type declaration

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