
  • ImageSelectExplorerProps


allowBulkSelect?: boolean

Whether or not the selection of multiple items is allowed (default: true)

enableSelectAll?: boolean

In multi-select mode, whether the Select All button will be displayed. This is currently not fully supported. (default: false)

excludeItems?: any[]

IDs of items which will be excluded from the explorer. Can be used to remove already selected items.

imageType?: string

Image Type

onCancel?: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Callback called when the user cancels the selection

      Returns void

onSelected: ((value) => void)

Type declaration

    • (value): void
    • Callback called when the user finished the selection. The IDs of the selected item (or items) will be passed as argument to the callback.


      • value: any[]

      Returns void

predefinedFilterValues?: FilterValues<ImageData>

A set of initial filter values which the Explorer will use. (default: empty)

stationKey?: string

Unique identifier used to store states related to explorer

title?: string

Optional Title shown in page header (default: 'Images')

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