Base class for message handlers to handle incoming messages from the subscribed queue. *

Type Parameters

  • TContent


  • MessageHandler


  • The MessageHandler constructor

    Type Parameters

    • TContent


    • messageType: string

      The type of the message which this MessageHandler handles.

    • Optional overrides: SubscriptionConfig

      Custom adjustments to overwrite Rascal subscription configuration settings.

    • Optional middleware: OnMessageMiddleware<unknown>[]

      Middleware functions that should be executed for this specific message handler in addition to the global ones.

    Returns MessageHandler<TContent>


messageType: string
middleware: OnMessageMiddleware<unknown>[]
overrides?: SubscriptionConfig


  • Function to map thrown error of unspecified type to a more human-readable error. Defining this mapping function eliminates the need to wrap onMessage contents into an explicit try-catch block.


    • error: unknown

    Returns Error

  • Main message handling function.


    • payload: TContent

      non-binary message payload (usually a json)

    • message: MessageInfo<TContent>

      message with all related message metadata, including message envelope

    • ackOrNack: AckOrNack

      acknowledgment or rejection callback that can be called to forcefully complete the message processing.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Function that will be called after the last retry attempt has failed. Useful for handling errors in an explicit way.


    • payload: TContent

      non-binary message payload (usually a json)

    • message: MessageInfo<TContent>

      message with all related message metadata, including message envelope

    • error: Error

      error object that caused message processing to repeatedly fail

    Returns Promise<void>

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