A model for a toast notifications with methods to get individual toast messages.



  • A model for the toast notifications.


    • parent: Page | FrameLocator

      The parent playwright page, frame or component model.

    • xpath: string = '//*[@data-test-id="toast-notification"]'

      A relative xpath selector to this element from the parent.

    Returns Notifications


root: Page | FrameLocator

The root playwright entity from which to resolve this component model's xpath.

xpath: string

An absolute xpath to the DOM element that this component model represents.


  • This method gets a child component model with a provided type. This is useful for modelling a page where the UI is composed in a custom manner.

    Type Parameters


    • model: ComponentModelType<TModel>

      A ComponentModel type. e.g. ToggleButton / Modal

    • Optional xpath: string

      An optional xpath relative to this component. If not provided, the model's default xpath will be used.

    • Optional nth: number

      Optional position among matches. Position is 1 indexed. Negative numbers count from the end.

    Returns TModel

  • A helper method to create global locators - This helps with locating globally across the entire DOM, rather than being scoped to the form


    • selector: string

    Returns Locator

  • This method gets a locator to the DOM element represented by this component model.

    Returns Locator

  • This method gets a locator to a DOM element relative to the element represented by this component model.


    • xpath: string

      An xpath relative to this component.

    • Optional nth: number

      Optional position among matches. Position is 1 indexed. Negative numbers count from the end.

    Returns Locator

  • This method gets a visible notification by position. Position 1 is the first notification. Negative numbers count from the end.


    • position: number = 1

      The position of the notification.

    Returns Notification

    A model for the notification.

  • This method gets a visible notification by title.


    • title: string

      A title of the notification.

    Returns Notification

    A model for the notification.

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