A model for a component which is opened as the content of a modal.
The playwright page object or frame to be used as the parent of this component.
A relative xpath to this component from the parent.
filtersA model for the filters panel which shows next to the list of results.
listA model for the list of results.
messageA model for the message bar which appears below the page header (error / warning / info).
pageA model for the page header with subtitle, title and actions.
rootThe root playwright entity from which to resolve this component model's xpath.
xpathAn absolute xpath to the DOM element that this component model represents.
This method gets a child component model with a provided type. This is useful for modelling a page where the UI is composed in a custom manner.
A ComponentModel type. e.g. ToggleButton
/ Modal
xpath: stringAn optional xpath relative to this component. If not provided, the model's default xpath will be used.
nth: numberOptional position among matches. Position is 1 indexed. Negative numbers count from the end.
getThis method gets a locator to the DOM element represented by this component model.
This method gets a locator to a DOM element relative to the element represented by this component model.
An xpath relative to this component.
nth: numberOptional position among matches. Position is 1 indexed. Negative numbers count from the end.
Select an image by title. If the image explorer modal is not showing or the selected title does not exist then an exception will be raised.
The following steps will be taken:
Generated using TypeDoc
A model for the modal image explorer component used to select images.