tableName: string
bulkEditMutationName: string
getLongLivedToken: ((originalToken, config) => Promise<string>)
- (originalToken, config): Promise<string>
originalToken: string
config: ValueObject<{
dbGqlRole: (() => string);
dbLogin: (() => string);
dbLoginConnectionString: (() => string);
dbLoginPassword: (() => string);
dbName: (() => string);
dbOwner: (() => string);
dbOwnerConnectionString: (() => string);
dbOwnerPassword: (() => string);
dbOwnerReplicationConnectionString: (() => string);
dbShadowConnectionString: (() => string);
pgHost: (() => string);
pgPoolMaxConnections: (() => number);
pgPort: (() => number);
pgReplicationPort: (() => number);
pgRoot: (() => undefined | string);
pgRootConnectionString: (() => string);
pgRootPassword: (() => undefined | string);
pgSSLMode: (() => "require" | "allow" | "disable" | "prefer" | "verify-ca" | "verify-full");
pgUserSuffix: (() => string);
Returns Promise<string>
Returns Plugin
The Postgraphile plugin that enables the BulkEdit mutation.
This factory will generate a Postgraphile plugin that adds a mutation to the selected entities allowing the user to perform a bulk edit operation on the specified entity and its relations.